
Sharing this Blog and Donating Money

People are always free to share anything from this blog openly on the internet.  I love when people like what I write and love it even more when they want to tell others about it.  It is also exciting for me to see people visiting my blog from places I don't expect, like tumblr, stubleupon, facebook or even from google.  So yes I would love it if you would share any part of this blog anywhere else in the wide internet void.  But I do have a few requirements.

1. Credit me.  If you borrow a picture that Tryg took, or something I've written and shared it on another site, then tell people where you saw it and post a link to the original source

2. Please don't alter what either me or Tryg have done with out our permission, maybe you think you can Photoshop a picture Tryg took to make it nicer, or you've noticed I misspelled the word "omnipotently" that's great, but ask before you change or add anything of your own while re-posting it.

3. No commercial uses.  Please don't use anything we've done to make money for yourself.  I think that's pretty straight forward.

This symbol acts as a legal reiteration of everything written above.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

I'm no longer asking for donations exactly, but if you're really bad with your money there's always just a bit of a chance that you might accidentally click on the donate link and give me a bunch of money. 


  1. Hey Ian, with you in spirit. Another adventure!!! Destination? How long gone? Did I miss a blog post? I received this one only because your mom shared a link tonight via email. Robbin and I will be on San Juan Is. 4-5 to 4-10, just incase you wanted to drop by... Love you as always. -Kit

  2. Thanks Kit, if you wound up here my mom may have sent the wrong link. If you just go to http://sagewanders.blogspot.com/ you can see my most recent posts, and then click older posts to see other more recent stuff.
